You’ve probably come across a dinosaur saying, “Rawr” in a movie, TV show, or book.
What does Rawr mean in dinosaur?
Rawr means “I love you” in dinosaur. Rawr can also mean hello, this is my territory, I am here, or I do not like this experience. Rawr can even mean a warning to other dinosaurs or potential threats. Most of the time, however, rawr means I love you.
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about what Rawr means in dinosaur.
Why Does RAWR Mean I Love You In Dinosaur?

Scientists have long theorized that dinosaurs probably communicated through a combination of sounds and physical gestures.
And while we can’t be entirely sure how they communicated, there is one theory that has gained traction in recent years. This theory posits that the word “Rawr” actually meant “I love you” in dinosaur speak.
Now, this may sound far-fetched, but there is actually some scientific evidence to support this claim.
For example, many animals use physical displays of affection to communicate their love for one another. This includes everything from nuzzling and licking to outright hugging.
Given that dinosaurs were physically similar to many of today’s animals, it’s not unreasonable to think that they engaged in similar behaviors.
Furthermore, the word “Rawr” is often used in pop culture and on social media to represent happiness or excitement.
Rawr Means I Love You in Dinosaur Origin
While the exact origins of this term are unknown, Rawr is probably a corruption of the word “roar.”
This makes sense, as dinosaurs are often associated with roaring.
Another theory is that Rawr is a combination of the words “raptor” and “war.” This reflects the fierce and protective nature of many dinosaurs.
Rawr started showing up in kids movies and on social media memes in the mid-2000s.
That’s when the term “Rawr” started meaning something more friendly, cuddly, and cute.
Whatever the origin of the term, it’s clear that Rawr has become a popular way to say “I love you” in Dinosaur (and in life).
The next time you want to express your love for someone, don’t be afraid to let out a big Rawr!

5 RAWR Meanings in Dinosaur (Other Than I Love You)
Contrary to popular belief, RAWR does not always mean “I’m going to eat you” or “I’m going to devour your flesh” (although let’s be honest, that would be pretty terrifying).
So what does RAWR mean in dinosaur?
RAWR is actually a versatile sound that can mean several different things in the language of dinosaurs.
Rawr can mean “hello” in Dinosaur.
There’s actually a very simple explanation of why Rawr sometimes holds this meaning.
Rawr is the sound that dinosaurs make when they’re happy to see someone in a cartoon or children’s book. When a dinosaur says Rawr, it’s basically the equivalent of saying, “Hello” or “Nice to see you”.
Of course, not all dinosaurs are the same.
Some of them might use different sounds to communicate. But for the most part, Rawr is the standard way of saying “Hello” in Dinosaur.
This Is My Territory
In Dinosaur, Rawr can also mean, “Hey, buddy. This is my territory.”
This is because the word is used as a warning to other dinosaurs that the speaker is claiming the area as their own.
By using the word, the speaker is trying to assert their dominance over the area and send a message that they are not to be messed with.
While this may seem like an aggressive way to communicate, it is actually a very effective way for dinosaurs to establish their territory and protect their resources.
I Am Here
Rawr can also mean, “I am here” in Dinosaur language, especially in movies and cartoons.
It’s a verbal call to alert other dinosaurs and other creatures that a dinosaur is in the area. Sort of a doorbell for dinosaurs.
For example, in the movie, Jurassic Park, when the Tyrannosaurus rex appears, it lets out a huge Rawr, which causes everyone to flee in terror.
In the cartoon, The Land Before Time, the character Littlefoot often uses Rawr to let his friends know he’s coming.
I Do Not Like This Experience
It can also be used to indicate displeasure, as in “I don’t like this.”
This usage is especially common in children’s media, where the sound is often used to let viewers know that a character is unhappy with the current situation.
There are several reasons why Rawr might convey displeasure in addition to anger.
For one, Rawr is a very versatile sound and can be easily adapted to different emotions and situations. Additionally, Rawr is a relatively neutral sound, which makes it less likely to startle or frighten young viewers.
Rawr is simply a fun sound to make, which may be why it’s often used to express lighthearted displeasure.
Finally, Rawr is also used as a way to express a startled kind of surprise or excitement, as in the popular meme, “Rawr, I’m a dinosaur.”
Dinosaurs also use Rawr to warn off potential predators.
In other words, it was their way of saying, “Back off or I’ll tear you limb from limb.”
But why did they need such a powerful warning cry?
Well, as you might imagine, being a large, slow-moving creature made dinosaurs an easy target for predators.
And while real-life dinosaurs may or may not have roared, dinosaurs certainly “rawr” in our hearts.
Here is a short video about what rawr means in dinosaur:
How To Use Rawr in Dinosaur Language
You can use “rawr” in many different ways to show your love for someone.
For example, you can text rawr to a friend or crush, use it as a hashtag or caption on your social media post, get it printed on a t-shirt, say it to a friend in person, or write “rawr” into your dinosaur fanfiction or animated videos.
Each of these methods is a great way to show your affection for someone special in your life.
Texting rawr to a friend is a great way to let them know you’re thinking of them. If you’re not sure what to say, simply sending a “rawr” can be a cute and friendly way to start or end a conversation.
You can also use “rawr” as a hashtag or caption on social media.
This is a fun and easy way to show your love for someone publicly. If you’re feeling extra creative, you can even get “rawr” printed on a t-shirt.
No matter how you use it, “rawr” is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face around you.
Final Thoughts: What Does RAWR Mean in Dinosaur?
While we are at it, you might be interested to know that rawr is in the dictionary but not the official Scrabble dictionary.
Rawr is a real word used mostly in cartoons, on t-shirts, and on social media as a friendly way to flirt.
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